Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bunny Rabbit

Well, it seems that our little puppy Rasputin, is all grown up. He caught a rabbitt the other day with a quick little run and hop.  During his attempt to bring us his bounty, the rabbitt would kick get away but then with a quick hop and a flip into the air Rasputin had him again.  When he drops it and I see it (que some oh poor thing from me) I yell to hubs that it's still alive and so he rides in to end the suffering with a quickly placed shot.  Both of the dogs were quite upset that we took the rabbitt away and did not let them have it.  But, them's the breaks.  Ever since then he has been hunting rabbitts in the clover. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

How Does My Garden Grow!

Not well, not well, at all.  Seriously, I don't understand what the problem is.  I follow the directions on the seed packet and reserched information, and still nothing grows.  This is starting to make me very upset.  I planted rows and rows of peas, green beans, carrots, radishes and cucumber seeds and nothing has even started to grow. The tomato plants that I bought as already started plants are stunted and lackluster and the potatoes I planted have little buds but seem to have stopped there. Was really looking forward to this garden with lot's of tasty veggies and so far it looks like I will be at the Farmer's Market buying veggies again. The only positive note is that the strawberry plants I transplanted last year ( that basicly died off) came back and are giving us a few berries a day not enough yet to make jam (my ultimate goal) but they are so very yummy fresh off the plant and warmed by the sun.  I am hoping to plant watermelons, pumpkins and sweet corn though I am a little scared.. maybe I should buy already started plants. Maybe I should just stick to farmers markets.  I water I weed they get sun... any suggestions are greatly appreciated it.