Out front we have an old tree that is sadly mostly dead, well there is a bit of new growth around the bottom. Anyway this tree has become quite the hive of activity recently, which we discovered one day shortly, after DJ's first day of school. One day when he came home and said "I have to make a big circle when he had to wait for the bus to avoid going by the tree" My response (sounding all puzzeled) "what are you talking about?" he says "because of the bees" me "what bee's?" DJ "in the tree" me "what tree" DJ "that one out front" he points to it. I look out the front window and sure enough it appears that something is flying around the tree, I head out to investigate and yep sure enough there are bee's lot's of them too. All flying and buzzing about the tree high enough up off the ground for them not to be a nusiance, and of course for us to get the honey without cutting down the tree, sneaky little bugs. I called the hubs over and we stood there marveling at nature for a bit. We are thinking that they arrived fairly recently as we haven't noticed them before Dj had to wait for the bus. However this summer has been very hot and we did not spend a lot of time out front. So they could have been there for a while. At the moment we are going to leave them be for now and see how they do through the winter. Then early next summer we shall see if they are a nusiance or not. it's too bad they are out front very near to the house as I would like to leave them be so they can pollinate the garden and the apple tree's. I have wanted a couple of bee hives though I had imagined building them and ordering bees and gathering honey and keeping them toward the back of the property where they could pollinate our farm.