Friday, March 25, 2011

Gophers and Weekend Plans

It's Friday!!!!!

Both the hubbs and I have the weekend off.   What to do, what to do?  Well, we had plans to work in the yard, removing trash and big sticks, cleaning out the horse trough (that's the chick brooder) and maybe starting on the raised garden beds.  Mother nature on the other hand, had other idea's and the temps will be in the low 30's not exactly conducive to digging up dirt, since our yard is now frozen mud as opposed to just mud.  Never fear, we always find something to do, and we did,  the hubbs, my son and me are gonna head to an indoor farmer's market in Flint, Michigan, I will post a review and maybe some pictures later this weekend.  here's the link for the Flint Farmer's Market if your local.

Gophers have big teeth!!!
 this past Monday, my son discovered a dead gopher out by Napoleon's tie-out.  Since, we couldn't put the dog out, until the gopher had been moved, I had to move it, (insert suspense music).  So, your gal Helois, bundled herself up in some muck boots, coat and gloves and trucked out to the barn to get a shovel, back to the gopher and tried several times to get that little guy onto the shovel, it just kept rolling over (ugh!!!).  There I am in the yard rolling a gopher around, thinking to myself I hope this guy is really dead and does not jump up and try to attack me, cause I really didn't want to have to bash it with the shovel, long claws and big teeth, could have done some damage.  Finally found a stick that I used to roll the gopher onto the shovel with.  Poor thing it's side was all crushed in, I think it must have got hit by a car and attempted to make it's way back to it's home. ( which I discovered under the back porch).  Anyway, once the gopher was on the shovel I carried it to the back of the property and lightly buried it in the compost.  Whew, all this before 8am. 

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