This morning I took a moment to just look around, and I have to say that we kicked some serious bum this weekend. Every day our farm is looking more and more like my dream farm and it's amazing! Hopefully in the next few years we will be able to expand and add more animals and gardens, put in a wrap around porch and maybe a pool. Sometimes big plans have a way of getting bigger, I know my dreams for this farm seem to get a little bigger everyday, though I do work to keep myself in check and remind my self that it will all happen in time, just have to keep plugging away at it. In the meantime kick back and I'll tell ya what we did this weekend.
According to early weather reports it was suppose to be in the high 60's and sunny all day... pshhhhh what do weatherman know, it was cold and cloudy all morning long it finally hit the mid 50's in late afternoon. That didn't stop us though we got up had some breakfast and got to work. My son did a great job driving the lawn tractor around and picking up a bunch of trash, sticks and stones. The hubbs and I headed into the feed and seed in town and picked up a mix of rye grass and clover seed. Once we got back the three of us walked over the property again making sure all big rocks and sticks and trash was picked up, we mixed up the seed and hubbs hooked up the spreader to the lawn tractor and off he went throwing seed everywhere! My son and I headed in to cook up some lunch. After lunch my son took a break and the hubbs and I went into Home Depot to get some tree platning supplies. By the time we got home the sun had come out and it warmed up a bit, we did take a detour and stopped to look at some cool looking utility vehicles. Since the sun was out we loaded up the cart with some apple tree's, stakes and rope and headed out to the back preoperty line to plant us some tree's, and plant we did!!!! With all 3 of us working on it we got all 10 of the Honeycrisp planted. All work and no play make us grumpy, we don't want to be grumpy so we took ourselves off to the Bloated Goat Pub in town for some dinner and a little fun!!! Good food there!!!!!!
Again, according to the weatherman it was suppose to rain on Sunday. Partialy the reason we seeded and planted the day before. The brightly shinning sun woke us up on Sunday morning ok weatherman???? I spent the morning running some errands for my reunion meeting later in the day. The hubbs got some stuff together and went up on the roof on the garage/game room to make some repairs. Cyndi my aunt came over for lunch and to work on plans with me for our upcoming family reunion. My son took most of the day to do his chore which, was picking up all the sticks in the "yard" portion of the property basicly the area that surrounds the house. He kept wanting to take breaks, though it was 80 degree's but, in the end he got the job done and just in time since his friend walked up just as he put the last pile in the fire. It was a beautiful day out so we fired up the grill and had some burgers for dinner. The Turkey's has some fun too, the hubbs and I took them out for a few minutes to play in the sun and green grass, they each got a bug and boy were they ever proud of themselves for that feat. It was neat to see the way they would hunker down when they heard the dog bark. Once, the turkey's were safely back in the brooder, the hubbs and I did some basic repairs to the livestock barn (we are hoping to one day have livestock in it). Ended the day by sitting on a log by the fire watching the sunset. It really was a beautiful day.
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