Finally, it seems that it is shaping up to be a beautiful spring day out. The sun is out the sky is blue with some big white puffy clouds floating around and the high is 70 degrees. Too bad that I will be at work all day, oh well this weekend's forecast is also predicting good weather. I will be heading out to a girl's weekend/bachlorette weekend, and Hubbs is working some this weekend too. A little break from the farm for me.
The farm is doing good, it has rained almost every day this week, so things are green is some places and muddy puddles in other's. The turkey's were enjoying the sunshine this morning strutting about their pen. We started turning off the heat lamp on the chicks, getting them used to the temps, it's starting to get a little crowded in the brooder as they get bigger, pretty soon they will have to be moved outside and then just a little longer and they will start laying eggs!!!! How exciting!!! The hubbs and his son will work on the truck some on Saturday and hopefully that will be up and running soon. That's all that's gone on this week at Ridgetop Farm. I hope you all have a wonderfull weekend.
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