Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Countdown Begins

Only 20 days till the hubbs and I go and pick up our new poultry babies from Townline Hatchery in Zeeland, MI.  I am super excited.  Even though we have to pick up the pace and get some things done to make room for the little ones.  Yesterday, I cleaned, rearranged and sorted out the laundry room. Called and confirmed the order, added a turkey and electrolytes.  On Thursday my next day off, I will be cleaning the brooders (big watering troughs) and the chick feeders/waterer's and other gear, making a list of anything we need to pick up in advance.  Then it's on to the little barn to finish setting up the new chicken area, cleaning the old chicken coop for the turkeys and building them a pen area.  Hopefully we can get it all done in the next few weeks.  We will bring in the brooders and a new gate for the dogs, early so that our indoor pets can get use to them being there. 

We will be adding:
15 Silver Laced Wyndotte Chicks
15 Golden Laced Wyndotte Chicks
5 Buff Orpington Chicks
5 Araucana Chicks (aka Easter Eggers, they lay blue, green, and pink eggs)
5 Turkeys
2 Gray Toulouse Goslings (oh I am so super excited about these guys)