Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Seeds and Chickens

We have recieved 2 new springtime pursuit catalogs this month, the Murray McMurray Poultry Catalog earlier this month and last night the Burpee Seed Catalgog!!!!! Looking through these has me so excited for spring, because really what could be better than baby animals and seeds growing in the garden.   In fact we have already placed our poultry order for pick up on March 21,  we did not use Murray McMurray this year instead we are using a hatchery that is here in Michigan and allows us to pick up the birds so we can have a smaller order.  What did you order you ask??? we ordered 15 Silverlaced Wyandotte's, 15 Goldenlaced Wyandotte's, 5 Buff orpington's and 5 Aracuna's (these ladies lay colored eggs like Easter eggs) in additon to the chickens we ordered 4 turkey's (2 for us and 2 to sell to a couple of people) plus and I am oh so excited about this part I ordered 2 geese.  Can't wait to have a few to browse the seed catalog and decide what is going in the garden this year, hubs has made me a few more raised beds and perhaps in the spring when we clean the livestock barn out we will be able to make a few more.  Last year's garden started with a bang but didn't end up working out very well in the end, mostly because of time constraints and Romeo the cat who ate all the begining plants.  I am hoping that this year I can make the garden grow enough to can some stuff that I grew myself instead of what I was able to buy at the Farmer's Market.  It would also be awesome if Thanksgiving Dinner 2012 could come enitrely from the backyard. 


  1. Helois,,how cool This was one of my dreams too, to live out in the country with some chickens and a big front porch..I think I'm too old now,,but,,I still think I could do it. Love your blog. Debbie

  2. it's never too late!! We have the chickens but no big porch, it is on the "agenda" LOL
