This past Saturday, hubs and I went to a farm auction, the entire contents of a farm that had been lived on by the same family for over a 127 years was being auctioned off. We got there early for the preview, and there was some wonderful farming equipment spanning the last hundred years horse drawn on up. They also had some household goods available. Since this was the first auction that the either of us had ever been to, we were as excited as 6 years olds on Christmas morning. We had decided on a budget before arriving (highly recommended as you can get caught up in the moment of bidding) and during the preview made a plan of action on what we really wanted or needed and things that we might like to have but were so so, set us a limit on each item, and thought that we were ready.... well, once the bidding starts it's fast paced and they move through items very quickly and so you may get caught up in the moment and there were several times I just wanted to stick my card up and bid on something cause I was so excited. I managed to control myself though there were several things that I was like oh I'll bid it's not going for very much and then thought where will i put it or what will I do with it pop into my head, so I wouldn't bid. But, really by the time all that went through my head they were done with the item and on to the next. Guess, I didn't really want it anyway. Out of our $200 budget we only spent $80, we did however have to leave early for a wedding and didn't get to bid on some stuff that we had really wanted. The items, that we did get: 4 old leather horse collars and the harness sets to go with (really I only wanted 1 but they sold them together, so... good news though we already sold two of them for $10 more than we had paid for all 4 so it all works out) hubs got a hand crank meat grinder and my favorite item we got is a WWII ration books that still has some stamps in it. I love all things historic or old items, especially if they have a story behind them. "One man's junk is, another man's treasure".
My gardening plans did not really go as I planned, I have pea's galore though. Which the turkey's love to eat, and so do I. The strawberry plants that I got from my aunt did not transplant well, they are all limp and laying on the ground.... gonna leave them though in the hopes that next year they will come back. Hubs built me another raised garden bed so I am going to attempt corn again (the cat ate the stuff I had started earlier) and put in the tomato plants that I started but, seem to to growth stunted. Hopefully when I plant them in the ground they will spring up. I think I am going to attempt to plant some pumpkins too. Wish me luck on that. One of these day's, maybe we won't have so much going on and I can actually make it to one of the two local farmer's markets.
Farming, even the small scale we do here at Ridge Top, really agrees with me. I love looking out over the farm... seeing all our hard work in action, the pens for the turkey's and chickens. The orchard full of little apple tree's with the start of little apple's on them. Butterfly's, grasshoppers, and bee's buzzing around all the wildflowers and tree's. The evening lightning bug show is truly fab! Makes all the fields look like they are on fire. It makes this gal smile.
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