Thursday night, was a perfect ending to an early summer evening. The air was starting to turn chilly after a warm day, and the hubbs, DJ and I had a bonfire and a S'more. After DJ had gone into bed, The hubbs and I were sitting in the twilight watching the fire when we saw 2 deer in the field behind us we watched them for a bit and those little buggers crept right up to our apple tree's.... I scared them off when I got up and walked toward the orchard for a closer look at the deer. Oh well it's better for the tree's that way. That was the first time we had actually seen deer on or around our property, though we see their tracks all the time, along with raccoon's, cats and other assorted critters.
Our new arrival that I mentioned in an earlier post, is a 6 week old, English Springer Spaniel puppy who the hubbs has named Rasputin. We picked him up last Saturday from a breeder on the west side of the state, we drove 2 hours each way to pick up the little guy. Napoleon is being a good "big brother" to Rasputin, playing with him and allowing him to cuddle up with him. Romeo, in true cat fashion is spitting mad that we have brought home another wee beastie, and I admit that I was not the happiest person when he dug up my mini rose bush, and tried to bite one of my chicken's heads off. (the chicken is fine however). I'm sad to report that George and Martha Washington do not like him, no they do not like him at all, however I believe that has everything to do with Rasputin chasing them around and grabbing ahold of their tail feathers.
Let's see, what else has been going on, OH!! I finally have pea's on my snap pea vines, and they are super super tasty. but, I have a question (please, leave a comment if you know the answer) will the pea's continue to produce all summer or will they die off?? do they come back in the spring or will I need to replant??? Now, strawberries I know come back every year, and I was lucky enough to acquire some from my aunt's front yard (with her permisson of course). They even have some green berries starting and 1 that is turning red. I am super excited that my garden has produced actual food, when prior years, I have managed to kill everything I tried to grow. Unfortunaltey the cat is eating the corn and green beans I had started and keeps tearing up my sunflower sprout. I am hoping to save the corn and green beans I think the sunflower is a wash.
The weather this week is awesome in the mid 70's and cool at night. hopefully more bonfire nights soon.
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